Qsysopr Break Handling Program Management

API to read QSYSOPR. And I can't use a break handling program since we. > > Thanks You may be able to set it up in job monitors through Management.

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  2. Cjcsm 6510.01b Cyber Incident Handling Program

Hello, Is it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply? The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running.;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR. While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! Greetings, Ron. I have some code that monitors the system for jobs with a message wait status. If it finds one it send an email message to one or multiple specified email addresses.


It could just as easily be modified to send a message to one or more user profile names. Or one or more user profile names and email address. To send a break message would be more difficult because you need to know a device name to send the break message to. If you would like to see the code, you can have a copy. Its RPGIII code at V4R4.

Should work at V2R3 or higher for sending messages to a user profile name only. Hello, Is it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply? The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running. ;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR.

While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! Greetings, Ron. Ron, The simple answer is yes. Many years ago we this for a hospital on a System/38. They did not want anyone in the system operators queue during off hours, so we put a monitor message CLP on the queue and it forward as an inquiry message certain messages that arrived in qsysopr. The response could then be routed back to the original message through this break handler program.

The key here is the message reply key / message key that is generated/returned from the message API's. While I may have a copy of this CLP it is most likely on a big round reel of 1/4' tape that will not fit in my CD drive. Good Luck, JMS. HelloIs it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply? The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running. ;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR.

While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! GreetingsRon. I don't know that you'd want to do it for QSYSOPR, but you can have a break-handling program monitor a message queue (see CL Programmer's Guide). Basically, whenever a message arrives on the queue, the program is called.

I suppose it might also be possible to write a program that would periodically scan QSYSOPR messages to see if anything needs attention, but I'm not sure how you would go about ignoring things that you've already looked at before (I don't think the message API's have a date/time parameter). The other possibility would be to write a job that monitors jobs in a specific subsystem (say, QBATCH), to look for MSGW status. Of course, that is what IBM's Job Scheduler licensed program is all about, isn't it? HelloIs it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply? The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running. ;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR.

While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! GreetingsRon. We wrote a little CL program that uses the RCVMSG command to monitor all new messages coming to QSYSOPR. It then checks if it is an unanswered inquiry message or any other message type with a priority of 90 or higher.

If someone has QSYSOPR in.break mode, it will just sit idle until it is released again. When a qualified message is found it will send an email message to my cell phone.

The key to the program is the RCVMSG command. You could easily use a SNDMSG command instead of the email message. Ed Hello, Is it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply?

The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running.;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR. While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! Greetings, Ron. Assuming you don't want to write your own. Robot (they of scheduling fame) has a package which monitors qsysopr and pages the person on call. I believe it also has the ability to forward messages to other locations.

I don't have a website for them unfortunately. And no I don't get anything for this recommendation.

One of these days though. I'm always giving them references. I've just had lots of success with their tools.

Glen Ford Can Da Software, Mississauga, ON Canada Project Management, Systems Analysis & Design, LANSA/AS400/Windows Development read our models and articles at www.can-da.com. HelloIs it possible to let the system sent a break message to one, or even better, some users in the case a message is sent to QSYSOPR, which needs a reply? The AS/400 is a beautiful machine and it hardly needs an operator. There for we can install an AS/400 for a small customer together with our Transport Management System software and they are up and running. ;-) However sometimes things do go wrong and a message is sent to QSYSOPR.

While the user who doesn't even know about WRKSBMJOB, which they should, is waiting forever for the completion of his/her batch job! GreetingsRon. Quote: It could just as easily be modified to send a message to one or more user profile names. Or one or more user profile names and email address. To send a break message would be more difficult because you need to know a device name to send the break message to.

Sending a break message to a user is possible through the API QEZSNDMG. Actually this is just a wrapper that resolves the current workstations a user is logged on to. This API can be called interactively by typing CALL QEZSNDMG; or can be used in batch using parameters. For more details see the AS/400 Message API books.

Ron: If you plan to have a message monitoring program attached to QSYSOPR, take this step first: crtmsgq qsys/qsysmsg text('Critical messages') msgqfull(.WRAP) This message queue will automatically receive messages about critical system situations. Since you might someday need a procedure separate from your QSYSOPR monitor to handle infrequent circumstances such as critical storage availability and you won't be able to have two processes both monitoring QSYSOPR, this makes a very handy addition. By setting it to.WRAP, you can almost set it and forget it until the day you need it. (But I'd recommend keeping an eye on it.) CL Programming and Work Management guides discuss this. One of the reason SNDBRKMSG could be difficult is you don't always know who the program is running for.

We have jobs that submit for the Job Scheduler. I setup the jobs therefore my profile is associated with it (ECOOK). However some of the jobs I setup submit for user profile (TODD). So if the program submits for TODD and bombs are 1 AM Saturday morning.

Qsysopr Break Handling Program Management

Todd is not signned on, nor will he be back to work until 8 AM Monday morning. So sending a Break Message to Todd's terminal is useless. But then again since Todd is a roaming user, I never know where he will signon next. So in this example it is better to send an email to myself at home, then when I check my email sometime Sunday. I can VPN to our AS400 and fix the problem. Even if this program bombs during the day.

Todd is a roaming user. He signs on runs some jobs signs off. He may go to a different plant, sign on, run or submit some jobs, signs off and go somewhere else. If the job he submitted bombs, I may know what terminal the job was submitted from but if I send a Break Message to that terminal. It may be 3 days or 3 weeks before Todd is back at specific plant and specific terminal.

So for us its better to send a message and/or an email to all of our programmers and let one of them fix the problem. On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 00:23:49 -0000, 'John Lambrechts'. Our bank sent us source code and line descriptions to create a bisync communication job to send bank transactions to them.

I create the flat file, vary on their bisync line and call their supplied communications program. Ocassionally the line is busy, after 3 times the following message is issued to Qsysopr. System cannot call controller TCBCTL. No lines available. (C R) Last week the message sat for 3 hours waiting for someone to reply to it. How can I monitor for a message that is being sent to Qsysopr? The submitted communication program itself never bombs, the system is issuing the controller message.

I hook a message break handling program on the QSYSOPR message queue: CHGMSGQ MSGQ(qsysopr) DLVRY(.BREAK) SEV(00) + PGM( BRKHANDLEC.ALWRPY) My code works ok and can reply to qsysopr messages. The problem is I cant use DSPMSG QSYSOPR to display the message queue and respond to inquiry messages! The message id is: Message ID.: CPD2453 Message file.: QCPFMSG Library.: QSYS Message.: Reply to message not allowed. Cause.: This message queue has been changed to not allow replies from this display.


Recovery.: Do not enter a reply for this message. Technical description.: Another job has changed the message queue (CHGMSGQ command), so the delivery (DLVRY) parameter is.BREAK and the break-handling program (PGM parameter) is not.DSPMSG. I also cannot reply to messages using option 7 from WRKACTJOB.

Is there any way around this? Prompt the CHGMSGQ command and read the help text. Note parameter that specifically deals with reply messages Seriously, why are you persisting in this but refusing to read any documentation about it. 'Steve Richter' wrote in message news.890@g10g2000cwb.googlegroups.com. I hook a message break handling program on the QSYSOPR message queue: CHGMSGQ MSGQ(qsysopr) DLVRY(.BREAK) SEV(00) + PGM( BRKHANDLEC.ALWRPY) My code works ok and can reply to qsysopr messages. The problem is I cant use DSPMSG QSYSOPR to display the message queue and respond to inquiry messages!

The message id is: Message ID.: CPD2453 Message file.: QCPFMSG Library.: QSYS Message.: Reply to message not allowed. Cause.: This message queue has been changed to not allow replies from this display.

Recovery.: Do not enter a reply for this message. Technical description.: Another job has changed the message queue (CHGMSGQ command), so the delivery (DLVRY) parameter is.BREAK and the break-handling program (PGM parameter) is not.DSPMSG. I also cannot reply to messages using option 7 from WRKACTJOB. Is there any way around this? Tim M wrote: Prompt the CHGMSGQ command and read the help text. Note parameter that specifically deals with reply messages Seriously, why are you persisting in this but refusing to read any documentation about it. Tim, It is your turn to do some reading.

I asked if there was a way around this limitation in the OS. If you start up ops navigator, then drill down to management central, monitors, messages you will see that ops navigator is able to automatically reply to qsysopr messages while the msgq is in.break mode. That tells me there is a way to do what I want to do, which is take automated action in response to some messages in the qsysopr msgq. I just dont know if the people who work at IBM reserve this feature to their own products or if it is available to all.

I think the answer has to do with using a RCVMSG loop on the QSYSOPR message queue. I cant do that when the queue is in.break mode, but I can when it is held. What I am seeing is I can use dspmsg qsysopr to respond to.inquiry messages while the RCVMSG loop is active. Hello all, I'm working on a program that needs to send a print job to a printer connected to an AS/400. I've tried using the SpooledFileOutputStream and I've also tried using one of the SCS Writer classes.

Neither solution is working. With the SpooledFileOutputStream I am at least able to create my print file, but when my program ends, the file is still not being printed. This program does not run on the AS400, it runs on a PC and connects to the AS400 via the toolkit classes. I know this part works as I am able to use the toolkit to access Data Queues, Files and Data Areas without a problem. Is there anyplace anyone can point me to see some examples of how to print a file using the AS400 Java Toolkit? Thanks in advance, Chuck Chuck, What printer data stream is used?

Or how was the printer data generated? I am wondering if the data stream being generated matches the data stream of the printer connected to the iSeries?

What printer is attached to the iSeries and how is it configured? The iSeries info center has some Toolbox examples: ProgrammingJavaIBM Toolbox for JavaIBM Toolbox for Java Classes Access ClassesPrintCreating.

Dave Chuck wrote: Hello allI'm working on a program that needs to send a print job to a printer connected to an AS/400. I've tried using the SpooledFileOutputStream and I've also tried using one of the SCS Writer classes. Neither solution is working. Hi, I hope you can help me out a bit - am pretty new at BIND, so here comes a newbie question:) I have a DNS setup of 1 master (local) and 2 slaves (public reachable) hosting some domains. I want to restrict the slaves, so only people from certain IP networks can query them. How do I restrict access to the slaves from users outside our network, but still allow those users within other ISP networks to make dns queries for domains hosted on 'my' servers?

Actually, this question is about not having the whole world use our dns servers, but use their own ISP's ones. With kind regards, /Ronni In article, 'Ronni Jensen' wrote: HiI hope you can help me out a bit - am pretty new at BIND, so here comes a newbie question:) I have a DNS setup of 1 master (local) and 2 slaves (public reachable) hosting some domains. I want to restrict the slaves, so only people from certain IP networks can query them. How do I restrict access to the slaves from users outside our networkbut still allow those users within other ISP networks to make dns queries for domains hosted on 'my' servers? Actually, this question is about not having the whole world use our dns servers, but use their own ISP's ones.

Put: Create an ACL called 'localusers' that specifies. I'm running Zone Alarm Pro, and when the pop up warnings come up saying that a program wants to access the internet or it wants to act as a server, I very seldom know what to do. Some are obvious, but most are not, so I generally deny access. Is there a good rule of thumb to use on this?

I can't be the only one out there that's unsure of this. Also, why would any of the programs want to act as a server? - - FIGHT BACK AGAINST SPAM! Download Spam Inspector, the Award Winning Anti-Spam Filter Dan wrote: I'm running Zone Alarm Pro, and when the pop up warnings come up saying that a program wants to access the internet or it wants to act as a server, I very seldom know what to do.

Some are obvious, but most are notso I generally deny access. Is there a good rule of thumb to use on this? I can't be the only one out there that's unsure of this. Also, why would any of the programs want to act as a server? In general, deny (but tell the popup not to remember what you just told it to do), and see if things work.

If internet stops working, allow some things. Some things you should see access the internet, such as talking to DNS (UDP port 53) servers.

You can also look at the location of the file. Most anything within the C: WINNT area should be usually ok. But if you're lacking on security know. Does anyone have some notes, documentation or helful pointers about navigating, command language and DB2 on an AS400 for a guy who has done HP3000, Windows 2k/2k3, MS SQL, HP9000, IBM ES9000/UNIX, SCO UNIX? Ideally a commands cross reference qaulivalent would be terrific - I.E. HP3000 to AS400.

I'm taking a role in a shop that runs its ERP system on this platform. Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Your homepage. Hi, We're trying to improve the monitoring that we do of the system that we use and would like the as400 to send an SMS message to our support mobile when certain messages appear on QSYSOPR or allow users to send a message to the support phone. The monitoring of QSYSOPR is easy. Can anybody recommend what software/hardware I would need in order to do this?

Is it possible just to plug a normal mobile into the back of the iSeries? Is there any free software that would help? I need to keep the cost as low as possible. Thanks Steve 'Silverfox' wrote in message news.20@w5g2000hsg.googlegroups.com. HiWe're trying to improve the monitoring that we do of the system that we use and would like the as400 to send an SMS message to our support mobile when certain messages appear on QSYSOPR or allow users to send a message to the support phone.

Rigging And Material Handling Program

The monitoring of QSYSOPR is easy. Can anybody recommend what software/hardware I would need in order to do this? Is it possible just to plug a normal mobile into the back of the iSeries? Is there any free software that would help? I need to keep the cost as low as possible. Thanks Steve Hi, Our mobile operators gives us an option (t-com) to register e-mail to sms service so you can send message to registered email and you will receive SMS on your mobile phone.

Ask your mobile. Sorry for my english but I have MS Access in italian. My problem is by link a table from IBM As400 (with 100.000 rows). The output of the table is many #ELIMINATO (in english 'delete' / 'erase'. I dont't know the exact message). I have tried with 'requery' or recreating the link without results. If I.import.

the table from AS400 it works perfectly without problems. Here an abstract txt BOLAZI;BOLCLI;BOLDBO;BOLNBO;BOLCAU;BOLNPR;BOLTRE;BOLMAT;BOLDES.;;;;;;;#Eliminato;#Eliminato;;;;;;;#Eliminato;#Eliminato;;;;;;;#Eliminato;#Eliminato 0;474;990204;354;10;1;1; 936;PC Intel Pentium II 400 Miditower 0;474;990204;354;10;4;1; 1890;CD-ROM drive 36X 0;474;990204;354;10;5;1; 1692;HD-SCSI 4.5 Gb IBM Ultrastar WIDE 7200 0;474;990204;354;10;6;1; 1497;HD-SCSI 9.1 Gb IBM DDRS-39130 UWIDE. Thanks in advance M. 'Mire' wrote in message news:buo9eo$k39dq$1@ID-57790.news.uni-berlin.de.

Sorry for my english but I have MS Access in italian. My problem is by link a table from IBM As400 (with 100.000 rows). The output of the table is many #ELIMINATO (in english 'delete' / 'erase'. I dont't know the exact message). I have tried with 'requery' or recreating the link without results. If I.import.

Cjcsm 6510.01b Cyber Incident Handling Program

the table from AS400 it works perfectly without problems.

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