The Complete Tutankhamun By Nicholas Reeves Pdf Converter

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  1. Into The Mummy's Tomb By Nicholas Reeves
  2. Books By Nicholas Reeves
  3. Nicholas Reeves Egyptologist

'Fascinating, authoritative and enlivened with more than 500 illustrations, many of them in brilliant color.' - Los Angeles Times The tomb of Tutankhamun, with its breathtaking treasures, has exerted a unique hold on the popular imagination ever since its discovery in 1922. It remains the greatest tombfind ever made.

Here is the fullest account yet published of this fabulo 'Fascinating, authoritative and enlivened with more than 500 illustrations, many of them in brilliant color.' - Los Angeles Times The tomb of Tutankhamun, with its breathtaking treasures, has exerted a unique hold on the popular imagination ever since its discovery in 1922. It remains the greatest tombfind ever made. Here is the fullest account yet published of this fabulous archaeological discovery. Contents include: -the story of Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon's long quest for the tomb in the Valley of the Kings -double-page features on each stage of the discovery, each chamber of the tomb, and all the main treasures -extracts from Carter's notes and diaries and first-time publication of many of his drawings and reconstructions -tables on everything from the ornaments on the royal mummy to Tutankhamun's wine list -a full reference section 'Bound to hook you on the 'boy-king' and his rich tomb all over again.'

-KMT 'The most satisfying work to date.' -American Journal of Archaeology A renowned Egyptologist and one of the world's leading experts on the period, Nicholas Reeves was for several years a Curator in the Departament of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum. His books include Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis and - with Richard H. Wilkinson - The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs (Thames & Hudson). When they say 'complete' they mean complete. So much information and detail. Full review to come.

Rating: 5 Stars I don't even know where to begin with this one. When they say complete, they mean complete.

Every last inch of this book is crammed with texts, photos, sidebars, captions, diagrams; you name it, this book has it. It is almost overwhelming, to be honest. There is When they say 'complete' they mean complete.

So much information and detail. Full review to come. Rating: 5 Stars I don't even know where to begin with this one. When they say complete, they mean complete.

The Complete Tutankhamun By Nicholas Reeves Pdf Converter

Every last inch of this book is crammed with texts, photos, sidebars, captions, diagrams; you name it, this book has it. It is almost overwhelming, to be honest. There is so much information and detail, I could see it scaring off someone who only has a passing interest. On the other hand, it is a great place to start if you are just learning of Tutankhamun, beyond him being 'the boy king who died mysteriously'. As I said, there is an insane amount of detail here. The book starts by laying the scene, giving a history of Tut, his father, the religious upheaval, and such. Then it moves toward who Howard Carter was and his work prior to discovering Tut's tomb.

The author then moves step by step, from the discovery, to the death of Lord Carnarvon, the politics of the time that impacted their work, then eventually moves room by room within the tomb and details the discoveries in each space. After that, the author also provides ample information about the kinds of objects discovered that accompanied Tut to the Afterlife: ritual couches, games, chariots and necessary equipment, weaponry, wine jars, pottery, tools, lamps, and so on. There are even charts describing specific statues and figures.

I don't think I can stress enough how much detail is here. I feel like I've said it a lot, but it's so very true. I kind of have this love/hate relationship with the field of archaeology - particularly these, who explore these tombs and remove the treasures to put on display for the world. These are tombs, final resting places of real people who lived and died thousands of years before us.

Into The Mummy's Tomb By Nicholas Reeves

But they still deserve respect and the opportunity to rest in peace. I love seeing the treasures but this is still a kind of state-sanctioned grave robbing. In our never-ending quest to know everything about these people, we've raided their tombs and robbed their graves of anything of value. Sure, it is now done in the name of academia, but it truthfully is no different then those who did this thousands of years ago when the tombs were new and easier to access of the burial. So, rant aside, I still enjoyed this book for the wealth of knowledge it provides. I do wish there were more color photos. I also found Carter's notes an interesting read and the author uses excerpts of them throughout the book.

Books By Nicholas Reeves

Eberle pls 508. He took copious amounts of notes, recording what they saw from room to room and these insights are intriguing. The author also includes drawings that Carter's made, though his notes were never published as a volume.

It is interesting to see from his perspective as the discoverer, though his methods seem terrible today. The treatment of the mummies never ceases to infuriate me. The fact that Tut (and who knows how many others, by other archaeologists throughout the centuries) had to be dismembered to be removed from his sarcophagus make me so angry. Archaeology is an important field, but so destructive at the same time. It is a field that has to destroy in order to discover, and this is uncomfortable for me. Side note: the photos of the mummified remains of what are thought to be Tut's two little daughters are absolutely heart-breaking.

They're just so tiny (duh). Overall, this is about as complete a book as you can find about the tomb of King Tut.

While there is some history of his reign and the suspicions surrounding his death, as well as information about his father before him, it is more focus on the tomb itself and the treasures it held and what they tell us about burials of the time. Highly recommended. Carl Nicholas Reeves (born 28 September 1956) is an English Egyptologist best known for his archaeological work in and writings on the Valley of the Kings. He is currently Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Memorial Fellow for 2010/11 in the Department of Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

Carl Nicholas Reeves (born 28 September 1956) is an English Egyptologist best known for his archaeological work in and writings on the Valley of the Kings. He is currently Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Memorial Fellow for 2010/11 in the Department of Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. Background A specialist in Egyptian history and material culture, Reeves is a graduate (first class honours) in Ancient History from University College London (1979). He received his Ph.D. In Egyptology (Studies in the Archaeology of the Valley of the Kings, with Particular Reference to Tomb Robbery and the Caching of the Royal Mummies) from Durham University in 1984.

He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1994, and an Honorary Fellow of the Oriental Museum, Durham University in 1996. Between 1998 and 2004 he was Honorary Research Fellow in the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.

The tomb of Tutankhamun, with its treasures, has exerted a hold over the popular imagination ever since its discovery in 1922. This book is a detailed and comprehensive account of this great archaeological discovery.

Nicholas Reeves Egyptologist


The story of the boy-king, buried in splendour at the height of Egyptian civilization; the determined quest for his tomb by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon; the unforeseen riches eventually revealed - these are important events in the history of archaeology. However, despite the publicity at the time of the discovery and since - made more intriguing by the linking of Carnarvon's early death with the legend of the pharoah's curse - it remains a story only partly told. Carter never produced a complete account of his excavations. The Tutankhamun exhibitions of the 1960's and 1970's generated a spate of books but none added significantly to what Carter had already published about the tomb. This book is a revealing account of the subject.

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