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Defender Element is a Free Portable Tower Defense type Game offered by Staff 32003 Productions. A Free Strategy Game, where the goal is to reinforce the pathway to your castle in an effort to keep enemies from invading your castle. During gameplay, symbolic reinforcements aka: knights, archers, mages, and catapults are purchased with coins to use in your defense. These reinforcements can be sold later at reduced cost and replaced with upgraded units. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. TORCS is a highly Portable Free Car Racing Game also commonly referred to as 'The Open Racing Car Simulator'. This car racing simulation game allows you to race against opponents simulated by the computer or to develop your own driver bot and enter the driver into competitive events.

TORCS uses OpenGL for rich graphics and a real life like look and feel. This Racing Game looks and functions just about as good as most purchase only Racing Games, however it's entirely Free. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. Warzone 2100 is a Free Real Time Strategy Game created by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. It is currently developed by the Warzone 2100 Project and features a portable wrapper written by Warzone 2100 offers single player, campagin, and online multiplayer skirmish modes.

The game works much like Command and Conquer but is entirely Open Source. Features include an extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies and a unique unit design system. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. Subvein (Now Geneshift) is a Portable and Free Online top down Multiplayer Shooter Game. The game features multiple weapons, over 20 vehicles (in coding process), unlockable missions, skills and special abilities. Geneshift combines top down view gameplay with CounterStrike like Online action and then tops it off with strategic character building skills found in similar games like Diablo.

It was the author, Ben Johnson's attempt to provide what he considers the Ultimate Super Game. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. AssultCube Portable is a Free Portable First Person Shooter Game. Portable version of the popular free first person shooter game AssultCube (formerly called ActionCube) based on Cube.

This action packed first person shooter game (FPS) can be played in either single player or multi player modes. AssultCubes features very realistic graphics and superb game playing functionality.

Moreover, networking code is super efficient making even playing multiplayer on a slow 56k connection possible. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. Secret Maryo Chronicles is a Free Portable Side Scroller Game.

It works functions much like Super Mario Bros with power up boxes, ability to pounce enemies etc and could be considered a Super Mario Clone. In addition to simply playing the game, Secret Maryo ships with an in game editor (activated via f8). The editor enables you to insert your own background image, insert enemies, insert power up boxes, change player start position and more.

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Secret Maryo Chronicles was developed in C and is offered under GNU GPL V3. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. Savage Full Enhancement is a multiplayer online real time strategy game. Based on Savage, the game is played online with other human players. The game consists of two or more teams and each team has one commander. The first player who selects the command button has the opportunity to be the teams commander. The commander designates weapons, places buildings to be built, and commands the entire team.

The team can vote to eject the current commander and can vote in a new commander if they choose. The rest of the players play the game like a first or third person shooter, they can also help build buildings and gather resources. This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under. Frets on Fire is a fun portable game that can be used to test your musical skills and fast finger playing agility. The focus of the game is to a play guitar with your keyboard as accurately as you can. It works on the same basis as guitar hero, but ironically, you use your keyboard as your instrument. I highly recommend using the tutorial to get started.

Remember it's all in good humor. This game can be run directly from a portable device and requires 52.1MB of free disk space.

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This USB App was Reviewed and Classified under.

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