How To Install Apps From Pc To Lumia 510 Specs
Installing free Windows Apps in your Nokia Lumia 800 windows mobile is really fun. Nokia Lumia 800 is an amazing windows mobile phone with beautiful GUI. There are a lot of free apps in windows market place which are worth installing. Usually we connect our phone through Wi-Fi or Internet to install apps from the windows market place. This is the standard way of installing apps directly in your phone. But you can also install these windows apps directly from your computer.
- How To Install Apps From Pc
- How To Install Apps From Pc To Windows Phone
- How To Install Apps From Pc To Iphone
Installing windows apps via PC will give you a chance to explore millions of apps. Usually in phone its very difficult to explore all the apps. So i personally prefer installing windows apps via PC. To do this, you need a software called Zune and little patience. Connecting Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Mobile to Your Windows Live ID: Before proceeding on how to install these windows apps, you should make sure you follow the below suggestions carefully. 1) The most important thing you should keep in mind is, Your windows mobile should be connected to a windows live id.
Nokia Lumia 510 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Download Nokia Lumia 510 apps & latest softwares for. Nokia Lumia 510 Specs. Installing Windows Apps in your Nokia Lumia 800 Windows mobile is really easy and fun. But you can also install windows apps directly from your computer. 'Install apps in lumia 510?~iam suffering to download angd install the apps in my. How to install games on nokia lumia 510 from pc?
When you connect your phone for the first time, make sure that your windows live is properly working. Mickey mouse kindergarten games. Because you will be logged into your phone via windows live id. All your contacts, emails, and numbers will be synchronized with the phone and start bothering you. So its always better to have two windows live id’s.
One is your personal one and one is for installing stuff like apps, sending mails and etc. If you are not having enough contacts and people in your windows live id, you can use that with your phone. Because, once you have logged with you windows live id, you will be irritated to see all the contacts and emails popping up all the time. 2) To connect your phone to PC via Zune, You should make sure that the region and language mentioned in your phone while installing it must be US, but not UK. You should also make sure to change the PC Region and Language settings are default to United States.
Usually you can find these options in your windows operating system under control panel - Clock, Region and Language settings. 3) If your windows live id is connected with Indian region or locality, it wont work or connect to Zune. So make sure you change the settings in your hotmail account. I would rather suggest you to make a new id in your phone while connecting to Zune. Once these two things are done, your phone will be connected to the Zune and allow you to access Market Place. If you are still unable to connect, reset your phone and create a new window live id after restart. 4) Once your windows phone is connected with your windows live id, all you have to do is to make sure to remember the id and password for future synchronizations.
The next synchronization will be from Zune to your phone. So, you got to remember the user id and password. Installing Free Windows Apps in Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone: Previously we have written an article on How to Sync Audio, Video, Pictures into Nokia. Here we have used a software called Zune. Zune is a amazing application to install windows apps, listen music, watch videos and do a lot of other interesting stuff.
To install windows apps in your Lumia 800, you need to get Zune first. We will give you a direct link to download it.
Now lets proceed on installing apps in your Nokia Lumia 800. Step 1: Download and Install Zune Software. Step 2: Connect your phone via data cable after installing Zune. (Ignore this step if you are smart enough) Step 3: Zune will automatically pops up when connected with your phone. Now, the most important part, Your phone will be automatically connected with the windows live and ask you for the password.
Just enter the password and connect to Zune. If Zune is not allowing you to connect your phone, make sure you have followed suggestions 2) and 3) above. Step 4: When Step 3 is successfully done, Zune will connect to your windows live id and give access to the control panel of Zune.
Now you can just navigate to third tab called Market Place, under that you can find APPS. Just click on it to explore millions of apps instantly. Step 5: Just click on any desired app and wait for the app to load the information about it. Step 6: As seen in the above screenshot, You can see the app you wanted to install and also a FREE button under the app.
Just click on the Free button to proceed further. Step 7: Now click on INSTALL button after finishing the Step 6 successfully. If your app is a free one, it will directly install it in your phone.
How To Install Apps From Pc
If not, you will be asked to pay for the respective app. Step 8: Now you can disconnect your phone and look for the app. It will be downloaded depending on your speed.
How To Install Apps From Pc To Windows Phone
No matter how many apps you install in your phone, It just sets up the basic files. The remaining downloading part will be down automatically with or without Wi-Fi.
Your Internet connection can do the job. That’s it, This way you can install any number of free, paid apps directly to your phone. The best advantage of this way of installing apps is, you will actually got to know about the app, size of the app, version of the app, paid or free, and also a chance to explore millions of apps in a single frame.
How To Install Apps From Pc To Iphone
If you got any doubts in following the above steps, you can ask us via comments below.
Your Nokia Lumia 710 can download and install a number of apps and games, as well as music tracks, via the Windows Phone Martketplace. This guide will show you how to access and add new content to your phone. From the homescreen tap the ‘Marketplace’ tile. Here you can browse through the various categories, including applications, games and music. You can also view recommended or top rated apps and content. Alternatively, you can conduct a search using the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen. When you find the app you want to install, tap on it and you can view reviews, screenshots and descriptions for that app.
Free applications can be downloaded straight away by tapping the ‘Install’ button. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to install. Paid apps will have two options. You can press ‘Try’ to download a free trial with limited functionality. Or you can press ‘Buy’ to buy the app there and then. If you press ‘Buy’ you’ll be prompted twice and will have to go through a payment process. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Once complete the app will be installed onto your phone. Depending on the size of the app this could take some time. You should be able to see a progress indicator to show the app installing.