How To Use Input Type File In Jsfirm

How To Use Input Type File In Jsfirm
  1. How To Use Input Type In Numbers

How To Use Input Type In Numbers

  1. You can read it, but you can't set it. Value='123' will be ignored, so it won't have a value until you click on it and pick a file. Even then, the value will likely.
  2. How to set a value to a file input in HTML? Imagine if someone writes a JS that sets file input value into some. Can we set a Value for input type=file />?

EDIT: I see now by the comments that you are asking about the button text, and not the file path. I'll leave my original answer below in case someone else who stumbles upon this question interprets it the way I originally did. 2nd EDIT: I had deleted this answer because I decided that I misunderstood the question and my answer was not relevant. However, comments in another answer indicated that people still wanted to see this answer so I'm undeleting it. MY ORIGINAL ANSWER (I thought the OP was asking about the path, not the button text): This is not a supported feature for security reasons. The Opera web browser used to support this but it was removed.

Think about what would be possible if this were supported; You could make a page with a file upload input, pre-populate it with a path to some sensitive file and then auto-submit the form using javascript triggered by the onload event. This would happen too fast for the user to do anything about it.

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The input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. Specifies the types of files that the server accepts (only for type='file') align: left.

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