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VIRUSES AND OTHER MALICIOUS CODE By themselves, programs are seldom security threats. The programs operate on data, taking action only when data and state changes trigger it. Much of the work done by a program is invisible to users, so they are not likely to be aware of any malicious activity. For instance, when was the last time you saw a bit?

Do you know in what form a document file is stored? If you know a document resides somewhere on a disk, can you find it? Can you tell if a game program does anything in addition to its expected interaction with you?

You can perform multiple bulk copy operations using a single instance of a SqlBulkCopy. Class Program { static void. // Open a connection to the AdventureWorks.

Which files are modified by a word processor when you create a document? Most users cannot answer these questions. However, since computer data are not usually seen directly by users, malicious people can make programs serve as vehicles to access and change data and other programs. Let us look at the possible effects of malicious code and then examine in detail several kinds of programs that can be used for interception or modification of data. Why Worry About Malicious Code?

None of us likes the unexpected, especially in our programs. Malicious code behaves in unexpected ways, thanks to a malicious programmer's intention. We think of the malicious code as lurking inside our system: all or some of a program that we are running or even a nasty part of a separate program that somehow attaches itself to another (good) program. Sidebar 3-3 Nonmalicious Flaws Cause Failures In 1989 Crocker and Bernstein CRO89 studied the root causes of the known catastrophic failures of what was then called the ARPANET, the predecessor of today's Internet. From its initial deployment in 1969 to 1989, the authors found 17 flaws that either did cause or could have caused catastrophic failure of the network. They use 'catastrophic failure' to mean a situation that causes the entire network or a significant portion of it to fail to deliver network service.

The ARPANET was the first network of its sort, in which data are communicated as independent blocks (called 'packets') that can be sent along different network routes and are reassembled at the destination. As might be expected, faults in the novel algorithms for delivery and reassembly were the source of several failures. Hardware failures were also significant. But as the network grew from its initial three nodes to dozens and hundreds, these problems were identified and fixed.

More than ten years after the network was born, three interesting nonmalicious flaws appeared. The initial implementation had fixed sizes and positions of the code and data. In 1986, a piece of code was loaded into memory in a way that overlapped a piece of security code.

Only one critical node had that code configuration, and so only that one node would fail, which made it difficult to determine the cause of the failure. In 1987, new code caused Sun computers connected to the network to fail to communicate. The first explanation was that the developers of the new Sun code had written the system to function as other manufacturers' code did, not necessarily as the specification dictated. It was later found that the developers had optimized the code incorrectly, leaving out some states the system could reach. But the first explanation—designing to practice, not to specification—is a common failing.

The last reported failure occurred in 1988. When the system was designed in 1969, developers specified that the number of connections to a subnetwork, and consequently the number of entries in a table of connections, was limited to 347, based on analysis of the expected topology. After 20 years, people had forgotten the (undocumented) limit, and a 348th connection was added, which caused the table to overflow and the system to fail. But the system derived this table gradually by communicating with neighboring nodes. So when any node's table reached 348 entries, it crashed, and when restarted it started building its table anew. Thus, nodes throughout the system would crash seemingly randomly after running perfectly well for a while (with unfull tables).

None of these flaws were malicious nor could they have been exploited by a malicious attacker to cause a failure. But they show the importance of the analysis, design, documentation, and maintenance steps in development of a large, long-lived system. How can such a situation arise?

When you last installed a major software package, such as a word processor, a statistical package, or a plug-in from the Internet, you ran one command, typically called INSTALL or SETUP. From there, the installation program took control, creating some files, writing in other files, deleting data and files, and perhaps renaming a few that it would change. A few minutes and a quite a few disk accesses later, you had plenty of new code and data, all set up for you with a minimum of human intervention. Other than the general descriptions on the box, in the documentation files, or on the web pages, you had absolutely no idea exactly what 'gifts' you had received.

You hoped all you received was good, and it probably was. The same uncertainty exists when you unknowingly download an application, such as a Java applet or an ActiveX control, while viewing a web site. Thousands or even millions of bytes of programs and data are transferred, and hundreds of modifications may be made to your existing files, all occurring without your explicit consent or knowledge. Malicious Code Can Do Much (Harm) Malicious code can do anything any other program can, such as writing a message on a computer screen, stopping a running program, generating a sound, or erasing a stored file.

Or malicious code can do nothing at all right now; it can be planted to lie dormant, undetected, until some event triggers the code to act. The trigger can be a time or date, an interval (for example, after 30 minutes), an event (for example, when a particular program is executed), a condition (for example, when communication occurs on a modem), a count (for example, the fifth time something happens), some combination of these, or a random situation. In fact, malicious code can do different things each time, or nothing most of the time with something dramatic on occasion. In general, malicious code can act with all the predictability of a two-year-old child: We know in general what two-year-olds do, we may even know what a specific two-year-old often does in certain situations, but two-year-olds have an amazing capacity to do the unexpected. Malicious code runs under the user's authority. Thus, malicious code can touch everything the user can touch, and in the same ways.

Users typically have complete control over their own program code and data files; they can read, write, modify, append, and even delete them. And well they should.

But malicious code can do the same, without the user's permission or even knowledge. Malicious Code Has Been Around a Long Time The popular literature and press continue to highlight the effects of malicious code as if it were a relatively recent phenomenon. Cohen COH84 is sometimes credited with the discovery of viruses, but in fact Cohen gave a name to a phenomenon known long before.

For example, Thompson, in his 1984 Turing Award lecture, 'Reflections on Trusting Trust' THO84, described code that can be passed by a compiler. In that lecture, he refers to an earlier Air Force document, the Multics security evaluation KAR74, KAR02. In fact, references to virus behavior go back at least to 1970. Ware's 1970 study (publicly released in 1979 WAR79) and Anderson's planning study for the U.S. Air Force AND72 (to which Schell also refers) still accurately describe threats, vulnerabilities, and program security flaws, especially intentional ones. What is new about malicious code is the number of distinct instances and copies that have appeared.

So malicious code is still around, and its effects are more pervasive. It is important for us to learn what it looks like and how it works, so that we can take steps to prevent it from doing damage or at least mediate its effects. How can malicious code take control of a system?

How can it lodge in a system? How does malicious code spread? How can it be recognized? How can it be detected? How can it be stopped? How can it be prevented? We address these questions in the following sections.

Kinds of Malicious Code Malicious code or a rogue program is the general name for unanticipated or undesired effects in programs or program parts, caused by an agent intent on damage. This definition eliminates unintentional errors, although they can also have a serious negative effect. This definition also excludes coincidence, in which two benign programs combine for a negative effect.

The agent is the writer of the program or the person who causes its distribution. By this definition, most faults found in software inspections, reviews, and testing do not qualify as malicious code, because we think of them as unintentional. However, keep in mind as you read this chapter that unintentional faults can in fact invoke the same responses as intentional malevolence; a benign cause can still lead to a disastrous effect. You are likely to have been affected by a virus at one time or another, either because your computer was infected by one or because you could not access an infected system while its administrators were cleaning up the mess one made. In fact, your virus might actually have been a worm: The terminology of malicious code is sometimes used imprecisely.

A virus is a program that can pass on malicious code to other nonmalicious programs by modifying them. The term 'virus' was coined because the affected program acts like a biological virus: It infects other healthy subjects by attaching itself to the program and either destroying it or coexisting with it.

Because viruses are insidious, we cannot assume that a clean program yesterday is still clean today. Moreover, a good program can be modified to include a copy of the virus program, so the infected good program itself begins to act as a virus, infecting other programs. The infection usually spreads at a geometric rate, eventually overtaking an entire computing system and spreading to all other connected systems. A virus can be either transient or resident.

A transient virus has a life that depends on the life of its host; the virus runs when its attached program executes and terminates when its attached program ends. (During its execution, the transient virus may have spread its infection to other programs.) A resident virus locates itself in memory; then it can remain active or be activated as a stand-alone program, even after its attached program ends. A Trojan horse is malicious code that, in addition to its primary effect, has a second, nonobvious malicious effect.

As an example of a computer Trojan horse, A logic bomb is a class of malicious code that 'detonates' or goes off when a specified condition occurs. A time bomb is a logic bomb whose trigger is a time or date. A trapdoor or backdoor is a feature in a program by which someone can access the program other than by the obvious, direct call, perhaps with special privileges. For instance, an automated bank teller program might allow anyone entering the number 990099 on the keypad to process the log of everyone's transactions at that machine.

In this example, the trapdoor could be intentional, for maintenance purposes, or it could be an illicit way for the implementer to wipe out any record of a crime. A worm is a program that spreads copies of itself through a network. The primary difference between a worm and a virus is that a worm operates through networks, and a virus can spread through any medium (but usually uses copied program or data files). Additionally, the worm spreads copies of itself as a stand-alone program, whereas the virus spreads copies of itself as a program that attaches to or embeds in other programs. WHI89 also define a rabbit as a virus or worm that self-replicates without bound, with the intention of exhausting some computing resource. A rabbit might create copies of itself and store them on disk, in an effort to completely fill the disk, for example.

These definitions match current careful usage. The distinctions among these terms are small, and often the terms are confused, especially in the popular press. The term 'virus' is often used to refer to any piece of malicious code. Furthermore, two or more forms of malicious code can be combined to produce a third kind of problem. For instance, a virus can be a time bomb if the viral code that is spreading will trigger an event after a period of time has passed. The kinds of malicious code are summarized in Table 3-1. TABLE 3-1 Types of Malicious Code.

Sidebar 3-4 The Viral Threat I nformation Week magazine reports that viruses, worms, and Trojan horses represented the primary method for breaching security among the 4,500 security professionals surveyed in 2001 HUL01c. Almost 70 percent of the respondents noted that virus, worm, and Trojan horse attacks occurred in the 12 months before April 2001. Second were the 15 percent of attacks using denial of service; telecommunications or unauthorized entry was responsible for 12 percent of the attacks. (Multiple responses were allowed.) These figures represent establishments in 42 countries throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Storage Patterns Most viruses attach to programs that are stored on media such as disks. The attached virus piece is invariant, so that the start of the virus code becomes a detectable signature.

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The attached piece is always located at the same position relative to its attached file. For example, the virus might always be at the beginning, 400 bytes from the top, or at the bottom of the infected file. Most likely, the virus will be at the beginning of the file, because the virus writer wants to obtain control of execution before the bona fide code of the infected program is in charge. In the simplest case, the virus code sits at the top of the program, and the entire virus does its malicious duty before the normal code is invoked. In other cases, the virus infection consists of only a handful of instructions that point or jump to other, more detailed instructions elsewhere. For example, the infected code may consist of condition testing and a jump or call to a separate virus module.

In either case, the code to which control is transferred will also have a recognizable pattern. Both of these situations are shown in.

Recognizable Patterns in Viruses. A virus may attach itself to a file, in which case the file's size grows. Or the virus may obliterate all or part of the underlying program, in which case the program's size does not change but the program's functioning will be impaired. The virus writer has to choose one of these detectable effects. The virus scanner can use a code or checksum to detect changes to a file. It can also look for suspicious patterns, such as a JUMP instruction as the first instruction of a system program (in case the virus has positioned itself at the bottom of the file but wants to be executed first, as in ). Execution Patterns A virus writer may want a virus to do several things at the same time, namely, spread infection, avoid detection, and cause harm.

These goals are shown in Table 3-2, along with ways each goal can be addressed. Unfortunately, many of these behaviors are perfectly normal and might otherwise go undetected. For instance, one goal is modifying the file directory; many normal programs create files, delete files, and write to storage media. Thus, there are no key signals that point to the presence of a virus.

Most virus writers seek to avoid detection for themselves and their creations. Because a disk's boot sector is not visible to normal operations (for example, the contents of the boot sector do not show on a directory listing), many virus writers hide their code there. A resident virus can monitor disk accesses and fake the result of a disk operation that would show the virus hidden in a boot sector by showing the data that should have been in the boot sector (which the virus has moved elsewhere). There are no limits to the harm a virus can cause. On the modest end, the virus might do nothing; some writers create viruses just to show they can do it.

Or the virus can be relatively benign, displaying a message on the screen, sounding the buzzer, or playing music. From there, the problems can escalate.

One virus can erase files, another an entire disk; one virus can prevent a computer from booting, and another can prevent writing to disk. The damage is bounded only by the creativity of the virus's author. TABLE 3-2 Virus Effects and Causes. Sidebar 3-5 Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease? These days, a typical application program such as a word processor or spreadsheet package is sold to its user with no guarantee of quality. As problems are discovered by users or developers, patches are made available to be downloaded from the web and applied to the faulty system. This style of 'quality control' relies on the users and system administrators to keep up with the history of releases and patches and to apply the patches in a timely manner.

Moreover, each patch usually assumes that earlier patches can be applied; ignore a patch at your peril. For example, Forno FOR01 points out that an organization hoping to secure a web server running Windows NT 4.0's IIS had to apply over 47 patches as part of a service pack or available as a download from Microsoft. Such stories suggest that it may cost more to maintain an application or system than it cost to buy the application or system in the first place! Many organizations, especially small businesses, lack the resources for such an effort. As a consequence, they neglect to fix known system problems, which can then be exploited by hackers writing malicious code. Blair BLA01 describes a situation shortly after the end of the Cold War when the United States discovered that Russia was tracking its nuclear weapons materials by using a paper-based system. That is, the materials tracking system consisted of boxes of paper filled with paper receipts.

In a gesture of friendship, the Los Alamos National Lab donated to Russia the Microsoft software it uses to track its own nuclear weapons materials. However, experts at the renowned Kurchatov Institute soon discovered that over time some files become invisible and inaccessible! In early 2000, they warned the United States. To solve the problem, the United States told Russia to upgrade to the next version of the Microsoft software. But the upgrade had the same problem, plus a security flaw that would allow easy access to the database by hackers or unauthorized parties.

Imes patches themselves create new problems as they are fixing old ones. It is well known in the software reliability community that testing and fixing sometimes reduce reliability, rather than improve it. And with the complex interactions between software packages, many computer system managers prefer to follow the adage 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,' meaning that if there is no apparent failure, they would rather not risk causing one from what seems like an unnecessary patch. So there are several ways that the continual bug-patching approach to security may actually lead to a less secure product than you started with. Web page, an HTML e-mail message, or even a spreadsheet.

Its creator intends the bug to be invisible, unseen by users but very useful nevertheless because it can track the activities of a web user. For example, if you visit the Blue Nile home page,, the following web bug code is automatically downloaded as a one-by-one pixel image from Avenue A, a marketing agency: What Effect They Have Suppose you are surfing the web and load the home page for, a commercial establishment selling all kinds of housewares on the web. If this site contains a web bug for, a marketing and advertising firm, then the bug places a file called a cookie on your system's hard drive. This cookie, usually containing a numeric identifier unique to you, can be used to track your surfing habits and build a demographic profile. In turn, that profile can be used to direct you to retailers in whom you may be interested.

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For example, may create a link to other sites, display a banner advertisement to attract you to its partner sites, or offer you content customized for your needs. How They Work On the surface, web bugs do not seem to be malicious.

They plant numeric data but do not track personal information, such as your name and address. However, if you purchase an item at, you may be asked to supply such information. Thus, the web server can capture such things as. your computer's IP address.

the kind of web browser you use. your monitor's resolution. other browser settings, such as whether you have enabled Java technology. connection time. previous cookie values and more.

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This information can be used to track where and when you read a document, what your buying habits are, or what your personal information may be. More maliciously, the web bug can be cleverly used to review the web server's log files and determine your IP address—opening your system to hacking via the target IP address.

What Was Learned Web bugs raise questions about privacy, and some countries are considering legislation to protect specifically from probes by web bugs. In the meantime, the Privacy Foundation has made available a tool called Bugnosis to locate web bugs and bring them to a user's attention. In addition, users can invoke commands from their web browsers to block cookies or at least make the users aware that a cookie is about to be placed on a system.

Each option offers some inconvenience. Cookies can be useful in recording information that is used repeatedly, such as name and address. Requesting a warning message can mean almost continual interruption as web bugs attempt to place cookies on your system. Another alternative is to allow cookies but to clean them off your system periodically, either by hand or by using a commercial product.

The Career Connections Program provides Seton Hill students the opportunity to connect with professional alumni at organizations nationwide. As students explore their options within specific careers and industries, they can better equip themselves with marketable skills and prepare for in-demand careers. In this program, students will experience one-on-one contact with alumni to network about their chosen profession, hear about experiences alumni have who are working in those career fields, and receive other career-related advice. Students who express an interest in the program are connected with alumni volunteers through the Office of Alumni Relations. For alumni, these connections help build career-advancing networks, as well as Seton Hill affinity and pride.

Career Connections Companies and Industries The Office of Alumni Relations has a growing list of alumni volunteers committed to the success of students. Below is a list of companies that employ these alumni volunteers.

(Use a paper clip or something sharp) • While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold the reset button for 30 seconds • While still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and hold for another 30 seconds. Note: It is worth reading more about and what the risks and considerations are when resetting your router this way, instead of just rebooting it. The 30-30-30 reset There are no specific instructions for this model yet, but you can always do the 30-30-30 reset as follows: • When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. Cisco air lap521g a k9 manual woodworkers This process usually works for resetting any router to it's factory setting.

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Also included is a list of alumni volunteers based on industry. If you do not see a company or an industry you would like to explore, please email, Associate Director of Principal Gifts, at and provide us with the company name and field. We will attempt to identify alumni who fit the criteria and can participate in the program. Companies Represented Opportunities by Industry Advancement Arts Banking Business Construction Community Outreach Education Energy Financial Services Food Health Care Graphic Design Healthcare Higher Education Human Resources Manufacturing Marketing Medicine Public Relations Retail Sales Social Work Sports Management Technology Theater Theology.

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