Goldfinger Radio Drama Format

Goldfinger Radio Drama Podcasts JAMES BOND: Doctor No by Ian Fleming. Now that they’ve given us the overdue follow-up with Goldfinger.

In part 3 of Ian Fleming's 1959 novel faithfully dramatised by Archie Scottney and directed by Martin Jarvis. Toby Stephens returns as 007, and a glittering cast is led by Ian McKellen in the title role. With cameo roles by top actors - all delighted to contribute to this remarkable Fleming adventure.

Rosamund Pike plays wacky gang-boss Pussy Galore and Lisa Dillon is the vengeful Tilly Masterton. John Standing returns as 'M'.

Tom Hollander, Tim Pigott-Smith and American star Hector Elizondo as New York City mobsters. Bond and Goldfinger are joined in the famous golf game by Alistair McGowan as the caddie, Hawker. Henry Goodman, Ian Ogilvy and Lloyd Owen contribute to the excitement. And Jon David Yu throws his bowler-hat with deadly effect as 'Oddjob'.

Auric Goldfinger is not only a cheat at canasta and golf, he's also an international criminal on a massive scale. His obsession: gold.

James Bond is charged by the Bank of England and MI5 to discover what Goldfinger is actually doing with his vast hoards of gold. Is he somehow connected with SMERSH - the feared soviet spy-killing organisation?

Radio Drama Focus On The Family

Goldfinger Radio Drama Format

Radio Drama Format


Radio Drama Script

When 007 becomes an undercover member of Goldfinger's team he soon learns that the madman's plans are more grandiose than even 'M' could possibly have imagined. Amazingly, robbing Fort Knox is on the agenda - and mass murder.

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