Quicken Qdf File Corrupted Ps3

Password recovery tool Quicken (*.qdf). Quicken Qdf File Corrupted N701db. Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit Ps3 Iso Tool. How to Restore Quicken Data Files. Browse to the new “My Documents Quicken” folder and select the file with the extension QDF, which is the Quicken Data File.

  1. Open Qdf Files Without Quicken
  2. Quicken Qdf File Format
  3. Quicken Qdf File Converter

I copied my Quicken.qdf file to a WHS /user/ share. Was able to access it from a client computer running Quicken 2005 Deluxe, make/edit entries, and log out. Thought everything was good, but the next time I opened the file in Quicken it was corrupted. It had my account totals, etc. But all register entries were blank! Tried accessing from multiple computers, and finally copying the file from the WHS share to a local computer and trying to open from there - no luck. I've read another thread or two that other file types are becoming corrupted also - including MS Money files.

Anyone else getting corrupted files when written to a WHS share? If so, which file types? I tried this too initially with WHS and found the same result: corruption of the quicken data. I went to the Quicken support forums and did a search on running from a network drive and found that it is not supported in any version of Quicken with the exception of QuickBooks.

I gave up on it for the time being resigning to remoting into my main desktop and running Quicken there when on another PC. I had planned on trying SyncToy to keep the files updated on each PC via a WHS share, but I haven't had time to give it a shot yet. I tried this too initially with WHS and found the same result: corruption of the quicken data.

I went to the Quicken support forums and did a search on running from a network drive and found that it is not supported in any version of Quicken with the exception of QuickBooks. I gave up on it for the time being resigning to remoting into my main desktop and running Quicken there when on another PC. I had planned on trying SyncToy to keep the files updated on each PC via a WHS share, but I haven't had time to give it a shot yet.

Pool Shark wrote: I tried this too initially with WHS and found the same result: corruption of the quicken data. I went to the Quicken support forums and did a search on running from a network drive and found that it is not supported in any version of Quicken with the exception of QuickBooks. I gave up on it for the time being resigning to remoting into my main desktop and running Quicken there when on another PC. I had planned on trying SyncToy to keep the files updated on each PC via a WHS share, but I haven't had time to give it a shot yet. You might have a problem here one way or another. When you store a backup or a copy of a quicken file on WHS you will probably not have a problem as it's nothing more than a file transfer with some rudimentry error checking in the process. but in the case of the quicken program doing read and write operations on the file or 'appending' to the file without actually replacing it you may run into problems the same way you do with Outlook.PST files.


Unless you have a version of quicken that supports network storage I would see this as a limitation of Quicken and not WHS. What you you should be able to do though is choose a network location as backup file target and set it to auto backup when you quit Quicken. WHS is a great thing to have but remember WHS is already backing up this file every night so you dont need to store the working copy of the file there. Next, if an application has to get it's Data from a network location it will be much slower than if the file was local. (especially at 3 PM when my kids get home from school and jump on the internet at the same time and start playing games).

Another 2 Cent's. Rex Geissinger.Cross posted in thread.

Well, I found a way that works for me and will for you too as long as you are willing to put up with the extra steps. Install Synctoy on each PC that you run Quicken on.

Set up a share on your WHS where you wish to keep all of your Quicken data (e.g. Server Quicken). Create a folder pair in Synctoy on each PC with the name 'Quicken'. Choose the local folder where all of your data is located (e.g. C: Documents and Settings All Users Documents Quicken) and the server share ( Server Quicken) and set them to Synchronize. In Server Quicken, create 2 batch files named Quicken.bat and QuickenSync.bat Copy this into Quicken.bat and save: (Verify your path to qw.exe) call ' 'C: Program Files Quicken qw.exe' call ' Copy this into QuickenSync.bat and save: (Verify your path to Synctoy.exe) 'C: Program Files SyncToy synctoy.exe' -r 'Quicken' 5.

Change your Quicken shortcut on each PC to point to Now when you use the shortcut, Synctoy will start up and sync your local directory with the server share, start Quicken, and then sync again when you close out. Just be sure not to have Quicken open on more than one PC at a time as the sync upon closing may overwrite data. I am fairly paranoid about my financial data (not that I have a lot of money to worry about). So I always have my main file. Quicken automatically makes a backup Then I back up to a CD-RW Then I use the Quicken Online Backup for an off site storage place. WHS will just give me one more redundancy of a saved file. I have spent WAY too many hours plugging in data-setting up accounts, stocks, mutual funds, loans, auto payments, etc.

Open Qdf Files Without Quicken

I finally know where all my money goes each month.important when you've been a public servant your whole life and are sending two boys to college. My WHS comes in Friday (or Monday)-as my boys say:- 'I'm Stoked!' I have been using quicken on a shared SME server for about 5 months now with no problems. My wife uses the laptop and I use the desktop. We have never had a problem with it but have never accessed the data at the same time either.

I like the features of the WHS better which is the reason I am switching over. What makes the WHS any different than any other network drive? The data on the SME server is accessed directly from windows explorer and the drive is mapped. We also moved the My Documents from both our XP computers to the network drive.

Quicken Qdf File Format


Has anyone done this with WHS? Although WHS is based on Server 2003, it replaces/modifies certain aspects of it, mainly the file storage system. If you intend using WHS in a similar manner as you used your SME server, I would take note of which was recently released regarding data loss/corruption. From their blog, they're taking it very seriously, as they said they would be working through the holidays trying to provide a 'fix'. Until such time as this is completed, I would be very wary of keeping your only copy any information on the server. At least keep it on a client as well, where it will be backed up each night. (There has never been a data corruption issue with the backups.) Regarding your query of folders, then I would think the majority of people on here have either mapped their drives, or re-directed their Documents folders, it's one of the main reasons of getting the server for a lot of people.

Quicken Qdf File Corrupted Ps3

Here is a draft of a KB article that we are working to get published: Here is a draft of a KB Article that the Windows Home Server team is having published: Outlook Personal Folder Files (.pst) should not be stored on Windows Home Server Summary: Microsoft Outlook personal folder files (.pst) and Quicken files are unsupported over a home network using Windows Home Server. Additionally, other PC applications may not be designed to work with a home server over a home network. If you have any questions about whether a specific application will work where the files are stored on Windows Home Server, then you should check with the application vendor prior to loading the files on your home server and accessing them from a home computer.

Quicken Qdf File Converter

More Information: As stated in t he Microsoft Exchange Server team created Microsoft Outlook personal files (.pst files) with the intent of letting a person maintain a copy of their messages on their local computer. Microsoft Outlook.pst files also serve the purpose of a message store for users who do not have access to a Microsoft Exchange Server, for example, you can use Microsoft Outlook as a front-end to an internet hosted mail service. Users should continue to store their Microsoft Outlook.pst files on their home computers and use the Windows Home Server home computer backup solution to create a backup copy of these files. Intuit Quicken files are solely intended to be stored and accessed using a single home computer. Using Intuit Quicken in a home network is not supported or recommended.

Users attempting to store, access and modify Intuit Quicken databases stored on a home server risk easily reproducible loss of data and corruption of the Quicken database. Additionally, other PC applications may not be designed to work with a home server over a home network. If you have any questions about whether a specific application will work where the files are stored on Windows Home Server, then you should check with the application vendor prior to loading the files on your home server and accessing them from a home computer. Recommendations: The Remote Access feature provided by Windows Home Server allows access to a home computer via the internet as well as on your home network.

Utilize Remote Desktop on your home network or Remote Access from the internet to access the home computer that has Microsoft Outlook, Intuit Quicken or other PC-centric applications installed to ensure you are using the software within the supported configuration.

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